Ellason has affiliations with a range of providers outside the UK, giving our clients the assurance that if they need cross-border insights, we can provide experienced, dedicated consultants familiar with the shareholder, regulatory and management issues in different jurisdictions. We are proud to partner with firms that share the same values, commitment to and reputation in providing independent advice and expertise to Boards and management teams on governance and remuneration solutions.

Semler Brossy
Semler Brossy is a leading independent consulting firm.
We believe leadership matters in creating economic prosperity and value for shareholders, customers, employees, and other stakeholders. We engage and focus leadership by developing thoughtful compensation, talent, and board stewardship strategies. We serve companies across industries, from the largest global corporations to smaller, privately held firms. Clients choose us for our partnership, thorough thinking, and creative solutions.
We take off where other firms finish.
PayIQ Executive Pay is the leading independent specialist executive pay advisor in Australia and the Asia Pacific.
We partner with Boards of Directors, senior executives and other key stakeholders of large listed organisations, private groups, institutional investors and asset managers to develop and execute executive pay programs that create meaningful and sustainable organisational value. Our client engagements are fully supported by custom-built proprietary methodologies.